Name | Dr. Syed Muhammad Adnan Shah |
Designation | Assistant Professor |
Department | Computer Science (Taxila) |
Highest Qualification | Ph.D. Computer Engg. UET Taxila |
Specialization | Content Frameworks, Web-based Content Management Systems |
Phone No | +92-519047-853 |
Cell No | +92-333-5589037 |
Fax No | |
[email protected] |
Fall Detection
Medical Image Processing
Object Detection and Recognition
Vehicle Classification and Recognition
Face Recognition
Plant disease detection and classification
Marine Mammals Classification using acoustic signals
Human Heart Sound Classification
Daily Sound Recognition for home telemonitoring
Carried baggage detection and classification
1 - Adnan, Syed M., et al. "Fall detection through acoustic local ternary patterns." Applied Acoustics 140 (2018): 296-300.
2 - Rashid, Junaid, Syed Muhammad Adnan Shah, and Aun Irtaza. "A novel fuzzy k-means latent semantic analysis (FKLSA) approach for topic modeling over medical and health text corpora." Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 37.5 (2019): 6573-6588.
3 - Rashid, J., Shah, S. M. A., Irtaza, A., Mahmood, T., Nisar, M. W., Shafiq, M., & Gardezi, A. (2019). Topic Modeling Technique for Text Mining Over Biomedical Text Corpora Through Hybrid Inverse Documents Frequency and Fuzzy K-Means Clustering. IEEE Access, 7, 146070-146080.
4 - Ahmad, M. S., Mir, J., Ullah, M. O., Shahid, M. L. U. R., & Syed, M. A. (2019). An efficient heart murmur recognition and cardiovascular disorders classification system. Australasian physical & engineering sciences in medicine, 42(3), 733-743.
5 - Rashid, Junaid, Syed Muhammad Adnan Shah, and Aun Irtaza. "Fuzzy topic modeling approach for text mining over short text." Information Processing & Management 56.6 (2019): 102060.
6 - Javed, A., Irtaza, A., Malik, H., Mahmood, M. T., & Adnan, S. (2019). Multimodal framework based on audio-visual features for summarisation of cricket videos. IET Image Processing, 13(4), 615-622.
7 - Irtaza, A., Adnan, S. M., Ahmed, K. T., Jaffar, A., Khan, A., Javed, A., & Mahmood, M. T. (2018). An ensemble based evolutionary approach to the class imbalance problem with applications in CBIR. Applied Sciences, 8(4), 495.
8 - Shah, Syed M. Adnan, Tabassam Nawaz, and Adeel Akram. "A Novel Content Provisioning Framework for Multi-technology Wireless Networks." Life Science Journal 10.3 (2013).
9 - NADIR, M., ADNAN, S. M., Sumair, A. Z. I. Z., & KHAN, M. U. (2020). Marine Mammals Classification using Acoustic Binary Patterns. Archives of Acoustics, 45(4), 721-731.
10 - Ahmad, Wakeel, S. M. Shah, and Aun Irtaza. "Plants Disease Phenotyping using Quinary Patterns as Texture Descriptor." KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS) 14.8 (2020): 3312-3327.
11 - Adnan, S. M., Ilyas, M., Razzaq, S., Maqbool, F., Wakeel, M., & Adnan, S. M. (2020). Code Smell Detection and Refactoring Using AST Visitor. Technical Journal, 25(01), 59-65.
12 - Rashid, Junaid, Syed M. Adnan Shah, and Syed Aun Irtaza. "An Efficient Topic Modeling Approach for Text Mining and Information Retrieval through K-means Clustering." Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering and Technology 39.1 (2020): 213-222.
13 - Shah, Syed Adnan, et al. "Sound Recognition Aimed towards Hearing Impaired Individuals in Urban Environment using Ensemble Methods." Journal of Information Communication Technologies and Robotic Applications (2018): 30-39.
14 - Ali, H., Adnan, S. M., Aziz, S., Ahmad, W., & Obaidullah, M. (2019). Sound Classification of Parkinsonism for Telediagnosis. Technical Journal, 24(01), 90-97.
15 - Zafar, M. Z., Adnan, S. M., Rashid, J., Admad, W., & Ikram, J. (2019). Brain Tumor Detection and Classification Using Geometrical Shapes as Texture Descriptors. Technical Journal, 24(01), 83-89.
16 - Fatima, T., Habiba, U., Ilyas, M., Adnan, S. M., Ahmad, W., & Rashid, J. (2018). Matching Based Algorithm for Semantic Search and its Implementation. Technical Journal, 23(04), 70-76.
17 - Din, Z., Adnan, S. M., Ahmad, R. W., Aziz, S., Ismail, W., & Iqbal, J. (2018). Classification of Tomato Plants’ Leaf Diseases Using Image Segmentation and SVM. Technical Journal, 23(02), 81-88.
18 - Shah Syed Adnan, T. Nawaz, M. Obaid Ullah, and S. Aziz. "Human Heart Sounds Classification using Ensemble Methods." Technical Journal 22, no. 1 (2017).
19 - StreaMER: Streaming Media Edge Router, A Centralized Multimedia Transcoding Gateway for Multi-bit-rate Networks. Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research, ISSN: 2090-4304.
20 - Mahmood, T., Nawaz, T., Ashraf, R., & Shah, S. M. Adnan. (2012). Gossip based routing protocol design for ad hoc networks. International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI), 9(1), 177.
21 - Safi, Q. G. K., Nawaz, T., Shah, S. M. Adnan., & Mahmood, T. (2011). Intelligent device independent ui adaption for heterogeneous ubiquitous environments. IJCSNS, 11(11), 75.
22 - Nazir, S., Aziz, S., Khaliq, Y., & Adnan, S. M. (2018, September). Vision Based Autonomous Runway Identification and Position Estimation for UAV Landing. In 2018 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Data Processing (IDAP) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
23 - Rashid, J., Adnan, S. M., Nisar, M. W., Irtaza, A., Arafat, S. Y., & Iqbal, M. J. (2018, March). Advertiser's perception of Internet marketing for small and medium enterprises in Pakistan. In 2018 International Conference on Computing, Mathematics and Engineering Technologies (iCoMET) (pp. 1-7). IEEE.
24 - Irtaza, A., Adnan, S. M., Aziz, S., Javed, A., Ullah, M. O., & Mahmood, M. T. (2017, October). A framework for fall detection of elderly people by analyzing environmental sounds through acoustic local ternary patterns. In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC) (pp. 1558-1563). IEEE.
25 - Citrus Leaf Disease Detection using Joint Scale Local Binary Pattern, 1st National Conference on Emerging Trends in Information and Engineering Technologies (NCETIET-2020).
26 - Offline Signature Verification Using Rotated Local Binary pattern (RLBP), 1st National Conference on Emerging Trends in Information and Engineering
Technologies (NCETIET-2020).
27 - Human Heart Sounds Classification Using Acoustic Patterns, 1st International Conference on Business & Technological Trends.
28 - Carried baggage detection and classification using multi-trend binary code descriptor, NED University Journal of Research-Applied Sciences
ISSN: 2304-716X.
Projects at IUCN
· Paper Boy (News Automation System)
The first of its kind for Pakistan’s development sector, this news system is searchable by title, newspaper and date in 29 categories. It facilitates many portals such as the Pakistan Water Gateway and Pakistan Development Gateway.
· EIA Database and Process Tracking System
Software Developed for Environment Protection Authority (EPA) Pakistan to record all the information regarding the proponents and their activity. EPA is also able to manage this information base having the record of all reasons on behalf of proponent’s case will be accepted or rejected. This information base is shared to all EPAs of Pakistan on federal and provincial basis.
Projects at UET Taxila
FACULTY RESEARCH PROJECT (MS Graduate Research Projetcs)
Undergraduate Final Year Projects Supervision
Workshops Conducted (Web Development/Graphics)
NARC Innovations
Postgraduate Courses:
Distributed Databases
Digital Image Processing
Computer Vision
Advanced Image Processing
Web-Based DBMS
Undergraduate Courses:
Web Engineering
Intro. to DBMS
Advanced DBMS
Human Computer Interaction
Digital Image Processing
Computer Vision
HEC Approved PhD Supervisor
PhD Thesis Supervised:
MS Thesis Supervised:
HEC Approved PhD Supervisor
PhD Thesis Supervised:
PhD Scholors Currently enrolled: 5
Ali Haidar (Assistant professor at university of chakwal )
Muhammad Imran Faizi (Assistant professor at university of chakwal )
Farooq Bilal (Assistant professor at university of chakwal )
Adnan Mustufa Cheema (Working at UET Taxila)
Ali Riaz (Software Developer)
PhD Scholors under co-supervision: 4
Wakeel Ahmad (Lecturer Computer Science Department UET Taxila)
Muhammad Huzaifa (Manager Software Development UET Taxila)
Muhammad Qasim (Lecturer Zabist University)
Yasmin Ali ( Lecturer Comsats Wah Campus)
MS Students Graduated: 17
MS Students Currently Enrolled: 7
Department of Computer Science; Department of Electronics Engineering
University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila
ViSES unites professional and researches from the domain of Signal, Vision Processing, and Embedded Systems to develop innovative and practical system aimed at solving the latest challenges being faced in these areas.
Dr. Syed Muhammad Adnan (Department of Computer Science UET Taxila)
Engr. Sumair Aziz (Department of Electronics Engineering)
Dr. Muhammad Ilyas (HOD Computer Science Department Sargodha Univdrsity)
Dr. Arshad Javed (Basic Science Department UET Taxila)
MS Students:
Undergrad Students