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Name Dr. Qamas Gul Khan Safi
Designation Assistant Professor
Department Computer Science (Taxila)
Highest Qualification PhD Information and Communication Engineering
Specialization Mobile and pervasive computing, Information security, VANETs, Cloud Computing,IoT.
Phone No +92 51 9047553
Cell No
Fax No +92 51 9047420
Email [email protected]
  • Ph.D. (Information and Communication Engineering)

          School of Information and Electronics, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, P.R. China.

  • MS (Software Engineering)

           University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila, Pakistan.

Mobile and pervasive computing, Information security and privacy issues in VANETs (Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks), Information dissemination in VANETs, Cloud Computing (CC) and Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC), VANET and Cloud Computing.

  • Mobile and pervasive computing

  • Information security

  • Cloud Computing (CC) and Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC)

  • Internet of Things (IoT).

  1. Qamas Gul Khan Safi, Senlin Luo, Limin Pan, Wangtong Liu and Guanglu Yan. Secure authentication framework for cloud-based toll payment message dissemination over ubiquitous VANETs, [J]. Pervasive and Mobile Computing-Elsevier, Vol. 48, Pp. 43-58, 2018. IF=2.349

  2. Qamas Gul Khan Safi, Senlin Luo, Limin Pan, Wangtong Liu, Rasheed Hussain and Safdar H. Bouk. SVPS: Cloud-Based Smart Vehicle Parking System Over Ubiquitous VANETs [J]. Computer Networks, Elsevier, Vol. 138, Pp. 18-30, March, 2018. IF=2.51

  3. Qamas Gul Khan Safi, Senlin Luo, Chao Wei, Limin Pan and Guanglu Yan. Cloud-based security and privacy-aware information dissemination over ubiquitous VANETs [J]. Computer Standards & Interfaces, Elsevier, Vol. 56, Pp. 107-115, October, 2017. IF=1.633

  4. Qamas Gul Khan Safi, Senlin Luo, Chao Wei, Limin Pan and Qianrou Chen. PIaaS: Cloud-oriented secure and privacy-conscious parking information as a service using VANETs [J]. Computer Networks, Elsevier, Vol. 124, Pp. 33-45, June, 2017. IF=2.51

  5. Salabat khan, Zijian Zhang, Zhu Leihuang, Li Meng, Chen Xiaobing and Qamas Gul Khan Safi. “Accountable and Transparent TLS Certificate Management: An Alternate Public-Key Infrastructure with Verifiable Trusted Parties” [J]. Security and Communication Networks, Wiley, 2018, Vol. 2018, 16 Pages, IF=0.904

  6. Wangtong Liu, Senlin Luo, Yu Liu, Limin Pan and Qamas Gul Khan Safi. A Kernel Stack Protection Model against Attacks from Kernel Execution Units [J]. Computers & Security, Elsevier, Vol. 72, Pp. 96-106, September, 2017. IF=2.849

  7. Chao Wei, Senlin Luo, Limin Pan, Zhang Ji, Wu Zhouting and Qamas Gul Khan Safi. Locally weighted embedding topic modeling by Markov random walk structure approximation and sparse regularization [J]. Neurocomputing, Elsevier, January, 2018. IF=3.317

  8. Guanglu Yan, Senlin Luo, Fan Feng, Limin Pan and Qamas Gul Khan Safi. MOSKG: countering kernel rootkits with a secure paging mechanism [J]. Security and Communication Networks, Wiley, Vol. 8, Pp.3580-3591, 2015. IF=1.067

  9. Senlin Luo, Songjing Chen, Limin Pan, Tiemei Zhang, Longfei Han, Yue Wang and Qamas Gul Khan Safi. Exploring the effects of intervention for those at high risk of developing type-2 diabetes using a computer simulation, [J]. Computers in Biology and Medicine, Elsevier, 2014, Vol. 53, Pp. 105-114, June, 2014. IF=1.521

  10. Qamas Gul Khan Safi, Tabassam Nawaz, Syed M Adnan Shah and Toqeer Mahmood. Intelligent Device Independent UI Adaption for Heterogeneous Ubiquitous Environments [J]. IJCSNS, Vol. 11 No. 11, Pp. 75-79, Nov. 2011.

  • Computer and Information Security

  • Computer Communication Networks

  • Computer Fundamentals

  • Object-Oriented Programming

  • Wireless Communication Networks

  • Satellite Communication

  • Data Structures and Algorithms


  • Participated as a Guest in the China Internet Security Conference 2014, 2015 and 2016, held in Beijing, ISC 2014, ISC 2015 and ISC 2016.
  • Participated as a Guest in the China International Software & Information Service Fair 2014, CISIS 2014.
  • Participated as an organizer in the International Conference on Graphics, Multimedia and Imaging, GRAMI 2006.
  • Participated as an organizer in the 6th International Conference on Optical Communication and Networks, ICOCN2007.