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Name Dr. Aamir Rashid
Designation Assistant Professor
Department Electronics Engineering (Taxila)
Highest Qualification
Specialization Electromagnetic Modelling, Antenna Design, Microwave and RF Electronics, Numerical Methods, Computational Electromagnetics
Phone No 051-9047723
Cell No
Fax No
Email [email protected]

2006 - 2010: PhD in Microwave, Electromagnetism and Optoelectronics

Toulouse-INP, France.                                  

Doctoral School: Electrical, Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering - GEET

Laboratory: Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems - LAAS-CNRS

2005 - 2006: MSc in Radio Frequency Telecommunications and Microelectronics

University of Nice, Sophia-Antipolis, Nice, France                                   

2000 - 2004: BSc Electrical Engineering  (specialization in Electronics and Telecommunications)

University of Engineering and Technology (UET), Lahore, Pakistan

PhD Thesis:

Electromagnetic Modeling of Large and Complex Planar Array Structures using Scale Changing Technique (SCT).

Abstract: Large sized planar structures are increasingly being employed in satellite and radar applications. Two major kinds of such structures i.e. FSS and Reflectarrays are particularly the hottest domains of RF design. But due to their large electrical size and complex cellular patterns, full-wave analysis of these structures require enormous amount of memory and processing requirements. Therefore conventional techniques based on linear meshing either fail to simulate such structures or require resources not available to a common antenna designer. An indigenous technique called Scale-changing Technique addresses this problem by partitioning the cellular array geometry in numerous nested domains defined at different scale-levels in the array plane. Multi-modal networks, called Scale-changing Networks (SCN), are then computed to model the electromagnetic interaction between any two successive partitions by Method of Moments based integral equation technique. The cascade of these networks allows the computation of the equivalent surface impedance matrix of the complete array which in turn can be utilized to compute far-field scattering patterns. Since the computation of scale-changing networks is mutually independent, execution times can be reduced significantly by using multiple processing units. Moreover any single change in the cellular geometry would require the recalculation of only two SCNs and not the entire structure. This feature makes the SCT a very powerful design and optimization tool. Full-wave analysis of both uniform and nonuniform planar structures has successfully been performed under horn antenna excitation in reasonable amount of time employing normal PC resources.

MSc Thesis:

Pre-processing and Ultra Compressed Parametric Modelling of UWB Antenna Measurements

Abstract: Complex UWB antenna design procedures have always been seen as a hindrance to the rapid growth of UWB applications. Various methodologies to simply this process have been sought over the past few years. One such domain of growing interest is “UWB Antenna Modelling”. The research in this field will not only provide a simple and concise representation of cumbersome antenna measurement data but also promises ultimately, to significantly simply UWB antenna realization techniques. The need for concise and efficient antenna models for UWB communications has been widely addressed in the past years. Yet, areas of statistical modelling for antennas lie vastly unexplored. On the other hand, statistical modelling for UWB channel is well in its mature state. Various UWB applications e.g. Body area networks (BANs) and WLANs require antenna models to include the effects due to proximity environment in which they are being used. This concept further refines to defining a class of antennas which behave similarly in similar conditions and therefore can be represented by a general model representative of the entire “antenna class”. This stochastic model can be easily interfaced with the existing stochastic models of UWB channel and therefore make the design of a UWB system simpler. This thesis addresses this topic through an approach based on a drastic reduction of the descriptive parameters set of antennas based on double projection of their Transfer Function or Impulse Response. This compression is achieved through a parametric modelling based on the Singular Expansion Method (SEM) and the Spherical Modes Expansion Method (SMEM). Extremely high data compression rates can be obtained “with losses” (i.e. to some extend at the expense of accuracy). It is also possible to achieve very high data compression rates with a good precision. The method is applied to various prototypes, focusing as a first step on small or moderate size antennas. It is shown in practice that data compression rates as high as 99.9% are achievable.

Research Experience:

  • Research Group: Electromagnetics and Optics Research Group
  • HEC approved PhD Supervisor
  • Served as FYP advisor for more than 12 projects
  • Serving as MSc Thesis Advisor (6 MSc Thesis completed)
  • Serving as PhD Supervisor 
  • More than 25 International Journal and Conference Publications (15 IF journal publications)
  • 1 Research Project

Radiator Designs: 5G Antennas, Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RIS)

Metasurfaces: Metasurface based Polarization Converters, EM Absorbers, Wave synthesizers

Computational EM: Scale Changing Technique (SCT) , Method of Moments (MoM)

Artificial Intelligence: Deep Learning, CNNs



  1. Aamir Rashid, “Electromagnetic Modeling of Planar Array Structures: using Scale Changing Technique (SCT)”, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany, July 2011, ISBN-10:3845403551.

International Impact Factored ISI Indexed Journals

  1. Rashid A, Murtaza M, Zaidi SAA, Zaki H, Tahir FA (2023) A single-layer, wideband and angularly stable metasurface based polarization converter for linear-to-linear cross-polarization conversion. PLoS ONE 18(1): e0280469. [IF=2.74]
  2. Haider, U.A.; Noman, M.; Rashid, A.; Rmili, H.; Ullah, H.; Tahir, F.A. A Semi-Octagonal 40-Bit High Capacity Chipless RFID Tag for Future Product Identification. Electronics 2023, 12, 349. [IF = 2.69]
  3. Amin, M., Rashid, A., Siddiqui, O. et al. Anti-reflecting metasurface for broadband polarization independent absorption at Ku band frequencies. Nature Scientific Reports 12, 20073 (2022). [IF = 4.99]
  4. Ullah, H.; Abutarboush, H.F.; Rashid, A.; Tahir, F.A. A Compact Low-Profile Antenna for Millimeter-Wave 5G Mobile Phones. Electronics 2022, 11, 3256. [IF = 2.69]
  5. Riaz, U, Aziz, S, Umar Khan, M, Zaidi, S, Ukasha, M, Rashid, A. A novel embedded system design for the detection and classification of cardiac disorders. Computational Intelligence. 2021; 37( 4): 1844- 1864. [IF=2.330]
  6. Raza H, Zaidi SAA, Rashid A, Haider S (2021) An area efficient and high throughput implementation of layered min-sum iterative construction a posteriori probability LDPC decoder. PLOS ONE 16(3): e0249269. [IF=2.74]
  7. Ijaz M, Zaidi SAA, Rashid A (2021) Uniform patterns based area-efficient and accurate stochastic computing finite impulse response filter. PLOS ONE 16(1): e0245943. [IF=2.74]
  8. Muhammad Fahim Zafar, Usman Masud, Aamir Rashid, Mudassir Murtaza & Tariq Ullah (2021) Comment on ‘An ultrathin and broadband radar absorber using metamaterials’, Waves in Random and Complex Media, DOI: 10.1080/17455030.2020.1869350 [IF=3.33]
  9. Ullah, T, Rashid, A. Angularly stable and broadband chiral metamaterial based design for asymmetric transmission of linearly polarized waves. Microw Opt Technol Lett. 2021; 63: 226– 234. [IF=0.957]
  10. Murtaza, M, Rashid, A, Tahir, FA. A highly efficient low‐cost reflective anisotropic metasurface for linear to linearly cross‐ and circular‐polarization conversion. Microw Opt Technol Lett. 2020; 1 8. [IF=0.957]
  11. Saba Arshad , Farooq A. Tahir , Aamir Rashid , M. M. Saad Missen & James A. Flint (2020) Co-planar-waveguide fed Circularly Polarized Antenna for Wireless WLAN/LTE Applications, Electromagnetics, 40:5, 354-363, DOI: 10.1080/02726343.2020.1780379 (Tylor & Francis) [IF 0.553]
  12. Hassan Tariq Chattha, Farooq A. Tahir, Zain B. Khalid & Aamir Rashid (2020) A novel compact folded zeroth-order resonant antenna for Internet of Things USB dongle applications, Electromagnetics, 40:4, 244-253, (Tylor & Francis) [IF 0.553]
  13. Ejaz, F., Hamayun, M. T., Hussain, S., Ijaz, S., Yang, S., Shehzad, N., & Rashid, A. (2019). An adaptive sliding mode actuator fault tolerant control scheme for octorotor system. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems. Volume 16, issue 2, March 2019. [IF=1.652]
  14. Qaisar Bashir, Muhammad Naeem Shehzad, Muhammad Naeem Awais, Sobia Baig, Muhammad Ghaffar Dogar, Aamir Rashid, “An online temperature-aware scheduling technique to avoid thermal emergencies in multiprocessor systems”, Computers & Electrical Engineering, Volume 70, 2018, Pages 83-98, ISSN 0045-7906, [IF=2.663]
  15. F. Khalil, C. Barrios-Hernandez, A. Rashid, H. Aubert et al. “Parallelization of the Scale Changing Technique in Grid Computing environment for the Electromagnetic Simulation of Multi-scale Structures”, Wiley International Journal of Numerical Modeling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields. Volume 24, Issue 1, pages 58–77, January 2011. [IF=0.5]

International Conferences (with Proceedings):

  1. A.Rashid, H.Aubert, N.Raveu, H.Legay, "Modeling of Infinite Passive Planar Structures using Scale-Changing Technique". IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Society International Symposium (APS 2008), San Diego, July 5-11, 2008.
  2. A.Rashid, H,Aubert, H,legay “ Modeling of finite and non-uniform patch arrays using scale-changing technique”, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Society International Symposium (APS 2009), Charleston, USA.
  3. F. Khalil, A.Rashid, H.Aubert, F.Coccetti, R.Plana, C.Barrios-Hernandez, “Application of Scale Changing Technique - Grid Computing to the Electromagnetic Simulation of Reflectarrays”, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Society International Symposium (APS 2009), Charleston, USA.
  4. E.B.Tchikaya, A.Rashid, F.Khalil, H.Aubert, H.Legay, N.Fonseca, “Multi-scale Approach for the Electromagnetic modeling of metallic FSS Grids of Finite Thickness with Non-uniform Cells”, Asia Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC), 7-10 December 2009, Singapore.
  5. E.B.Tchikaya, A.Rashid, F.Khalil, H.Aubert, Maxime Romier, N.Fonseca, “Full Wave Analysis of Large Non-Uniform Metallic Grid FSS Under Oblique Incidence Using Scale Changing Technique”, Asia Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC), 7-10 December 2010, Yokohama,Japan.
  6. F.A.Tahir, A. Rashid, E. B. Tchikaya, and H.Aubert, “Full Wave Analysis of Planar Structures using Scale Changing Technique under Feed Horn Excitation”, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Conference (LAPC), pp.445-448, 8-9 Nov 2010, Loughborough, UK.
  7. A. Rashid, F.A. Tahir, "Modelling Electromagnetic Scattering from Large Non-Uniform Planar Arrays", Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, Jul, 2014, Memphis United States.
  8. M. K. Arshad, F.A. Tahir, A. Rashid, "Design of a Single Layer Reflectarray Unit Cells Based on Hexagonal Ring for Wideband Operation", Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, pp. , Jul, 2014, Memphis United States.
  9. S. Arshad, A. Ahmad, Z. Sheikh, A. Rashid and F. A. Tahir, "A compact dual-band circularly polarized asymmetric patch antenna for WLAN applications," 2017 IEEE Asia Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC), Kuala Lumpar, 2017, pp. 952-955.
  10. Mudassar Murtaza, Aamir Rashid et al. “An Angularly Stable Broadband Cross-Polarization Conversion Metasurface”, IEEE EuCAP 2019, 31 March – 05 April 2019, Karakow, Poland.
  11. B. Sitara, A. Rashid and F. A. Tahir, "A Multi-band Polarization Insensitive Metasurface Based Microwave Absorber Using Square and Circular Loop with Lumped Elements," 2021 1st International Conference on Microwave, Antennas & Circuits (ICMAC), 2021, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/ICMAC54080.2021.9678249.
  12. S. Tanveer, A. Rashid and M. Ur-Rehman, "A Millimeter-wave Broadband Magneto-electric Dipole Antenna Using Complementary Back Reflectors and Air-gaps," 2021 1st International Conference on Microwave, Antennas & Circuits (ICMAC), 2021, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/ICMAC54080.2021.9678296.

International Conferences (Presentations)

  1. A.Rashid, H,Aubert, H,legay “ Scale-Changing Technique for the numerical modeling of large finite non-uniform array structures”, Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium  (PIERS), 18-21 August 2009, Moscow, Russia.
  2. E.B.Tchikaya, A.Rashid, H.Aubert, H.Legay,N.Fonseca, “Electromagnetic Modeling of Finite Metallic Grid FSS Structures using Scale Changing Technique”, Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium  (PIERS), 22-26 March 2010, Xi’an, China.
  3. A.Rashid, H.Aubert, “Modeling of Electromagnetic Coupling in Finite Arrays Using Scale-changing Technique”, Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), 5-8 July 2010, Cambridge, USA.
  4. A.Rashid, “Computation of the Scattering Patterns of Microstrip Arrays Using Scale-changing Technique.” Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS 2013), August 12-15, 2013, Stockholm, Sweden.
  5. A.Rashid, H.Aubert, H.Legay “ Modélisation Electromagnétique d’un Réseau Fini et Non-Uniforme par la Technique par Changements d’Echelle”, Journée National Microonde JNM 2009, Grenoble, France.
  6. A.Rashid, “Electromagnetic Modeling of large Finite and Non-Uniform Arrays using Scale-Changing Technique”, Ecole Doctorale (GEET) Day, Toulouse, 5 March 2009.




Research Projects 




Development of GPU Accelerated Radio Channel Models for Futuristic 5G Networks in Urban Micro-cellular Environments (Co-PI), HEC, 1970/SRGP/R&D/HEC/2018 - Rs-4,75,000




Design and Development of Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RIS) for wireless beam-forming applications. (PI), HEC Technology Development Fund (TDF) – Rs 6.911 Million.




Administrative Experience: (Past and Present)

• Director Post Graduate Studies

• Lab Director Digital Signal Processing and Communications Lab

• Final Year Project Coordinator

• Convener Subject/CQI Committee

• Member Semester Committee

• Member BoUGS 

• Student Advisor

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE                                                                                     

January 2017 - present:      Assistant Professor at ENCD, UET Taxila, Pakistan

Teaching Experience: Over the past 5 and a half years I have taught the following courses at UG and PG level.

  • Under-Grad Courses: Probability and Random Variables (EN-222), Signal Processing (EN-314), Electrical Network Analysis (EN-214), Electromagnetic Field Theory (EN-224), Solid-state Electronics (EN-125), Introduction to Neural Networks (EN-435), RF Electronics (EN-414) (last two courses offered for the first time in ENC Department)
  • Post-Grad Courses: Advanced Electromagnetic Field Theory (EN-5004), Random Processes and Statistics (EN-6002), Random Processes (EN-5002), Special Topics in Electronics System Design (EN-6310), Advanced Engineering Mathematics (EN-5001)

Administrative Experience:

  • Director Post Graduate Studies (for 2 years)
  • Lab Director Digital Signal Processing and Communications Lab
  • Final Year Project Coordinator (for 4 years) – Designed Rubrics for FYP Assessment
  • Convener Subject/CQI Committee
  • Member Semester Committee
  • Member BoUGS and BoPGS – contributed in UG and PG curriculum revision
  • Student Advisor

Research Experience:

  • Research Group: Electromagnetics and Optics Research Group
  • HEC approved PhD Supervisor
  • Served as FYP advisor for more than 12 projects
  • Serving as MSc Thesis Advisor (6 MSc Thesis completed)
  • Serving as PhD Supervisor 
  • More than 25 International Journal and Conference Publications (15 IF journal publications)
  • HEC Research Grant (2018-2019)

Fall 2016:      Assistant Professor (Visiting) at UCET, UOS, Sargodha, Pakistan

During Fall 2016, I worked as a visiting faculty at UCET, University of Sargodha. My primary responsibility was:

· Course Instructor for Telecommunication Systems (BS Tech)

2015 - 2016:      Field Contractor at TELUS, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

I worked as a contractor for the leading Canadian Telecom company (TELUS) in helping expand and renovate its landline copper and Fiber Optics network throughout Alberta. My major responsibilities were

  • Overseeing the fiber optic network installations in new residential areas
  • Debugging and resolution of network related issues on both copper and fiber-optics network between the Central Office (Exchange) and the client premises
  • Overseeing the CO upgrade from old copper-based network to Fiber Optics based network.

2011 - 2014:      Assistant Professor at LUMS, Lahore, Pakistan

I joined LUMS EE Department as an Assistant Professor after completing my Doctorate degree. The highlights of my three-year experience are:

  • Course Instructor for Electromechanical Systems (EE-352) (Undergraduate core course)
  • Course Instructor for EM Fields and Waves course (EE-330) ) (Undergraduate core course)
  • Course Instructor of Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design (EE-530) (Senior level elective)
  • Responsible for Electromechanical Systems lab
  • Advised more than 10 undergrad senior year projects
  • Set up of Optics and Electromagnetics lab at LUMS
  • Part of the research clusters Devices Optics and Electromagnetics and Energy and Power Systems
  • Have regularly worked as a reviewer for IEEE Conferences and Symposiums
  • Organized and conducted a workshop for various industrial partners on the implementation of renewal energy solutions in local industries.

2006 - 2010:      PhD Researcher at LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse, France

After completing my Masters I worked as a PhD scholar at one of the leading scientific research institution ( in France. My research topic dealt with the efficient electromagnetic modeling of large planar array structures (e.g. FSS, Reflectarrays) using an indigenous planar domain-decomposition technique based on Method of Moments. The key features of this experience include:

  • Extensive numerical modeling using MATLAB.
  • Extensive experience in using commercial EM CAD Tools e.g. HFSS, IE3D, FEKO, CST Studio
  • Published ten publications in International Journals and Communications
  • Co-supervised Two Master Thesis over the course of my PhD
  • Performed multiple antenna measurements in anechoic chamber using Vertical Network Analyzer.
  • Attended numerous seminars and workshops for skill development
  • Contributed as reviewer for peer-review process of many conferences and journals

2004 - 2005:   Design Engineer at And Or Logic (Pvt), Islamabad, Pakistan

Immediately after completing by BSc in Electrical Engineering, I started working as a ‘Design Engineer’ at Pakistan’s leading Embedded Systems Design Company (And Or Logics, Islamabad). My key contributions were in the following projects:

Projects worked on:

  • Development and testing of a USB Host Processor Model using Verilog HDL.
  • Design and Development of a Smart Card Reader (Hardware/Firmware) using Atmel’s T89C5121 microcontroller.
  • Firmware development for the Texas Instrument’s MSP430F149 micro-controller used on the Console Card of an 8x32 PABX telephone exchange.
  • Firmware development for the Atmel’s ARM AT91FR40162 microcontroller used on the Processor Card of an 8x32 PABX.
  • Implementation of the EURO-ISDN protocol stack for the PABX Project.

Key Academic, Administrative and Professional Claims:

  • As part of BoUGS played a key role in the revision of UG curriculum as per new HEC guidelines.
  • While serving as Director Post Graduate Studies executed successful HEC post-graduate program evaluation, oversaw MSc/PhD admissions on yearly basis and contributed towards overhaul of Post-Graduate curriculum.
  • Designed and conducted Admission tests for PG Admissions as well as for the hiring of Lecturer posts.
  • Serving as a Research Monitoring Committee Member of one PhD students.
  • Serving as reviewer of international journals.
  • Organized and conducted a CPD seminar titled “Metamaterials, Metasurfaces and their Applications“in Electronics Engineering Dept, UET Taxila on 16 Dec 2021.
  • Played a key role in the department’s transition to OBE system including designing lab Rubrics as well as introducing Complex Engineering Problem to lab and course projects.
  • Served as FYP coordinator and in that capacity defined regulations for conduction of senior year project as per PEC guidelines and designed the FYP assessment rubrics for evaluation using Complex Engineering Problem (CPE) paradigm.
  • regularly served on FYP evaluation  teams for evaluation of FYP progress presentations and Demonstrations.
  • Serving as Convener Subject/CQI Committee and in that capacity played a key role in defining the PLO mapping of undergraduate curriculum (both old and revised curriculum).
  • Serving as reviewer of international journals.

Under-Grad Courses:

Probability and Random Variables (EN-222),

Signal Processing (EN-314),

Electrical Network Analysis (EN-214),

Electromagnetic Field Theory (EN-224),

Solid-state Electronics (EN-126),

Introduction to Neural Networks (EN-435).

RF Electronics (EN-419)


Post-Grad Courses:

Electromagnetic Field Theory (EN-5004/EN-6213),

Advanced Electromagnetic Field Theory (EN-7213),

Random Processes and Statistics (EN-6002),

Random Processes (EN-5002),

Special Topics in Electronics System Design (EN-6310),

Advanced Engineering Mathematics (EN-5001)

MSc Thesis Supervision (Completed).

  1.  Khizer Sultan (15-MS-ENC-12)  Modeling and Control of Electric Continuously Variable Transmission for Hybrid Electric Vehicles using Dual-Rotor Machine in Power-split Configuration.
  2. Mudassir Murtaza (17F-MS-ENC-01) A Highly efficient wideband anisotropic cross-polarization conversion metasurface.
  3. Tariq Ullah (17F-MS-ENC-06) Multi-band Polarization Conversion using Anisotropic Metamaterials
  4. Muhammad Fahim Zafar (17F-MS-ENC-13) A compact Quarter-wave plate based on bilayer anisotropic Metasurface (In co-supervision)
  5. Bilqees Sitara (18-MS-ENC-03) Design of a metasurface-based microwave absorber.
  6. Sabahat Tanveer (19-MS-ENC-10) Antenna design for 5G Communication systems


Workshops and Trainings Attended:



Training Details


Organized By


Attended a 4-day capacity development course organized by HEC and British Council titled “Research Grant Proposal Writing for Researchers”, 19th-22nd September 2022, Islamabad.

September 19th-22nd, 2022

HEC and British Council


Attended IEEE 1st International Conference on Microwave, Antennas & Circuits ICMAC2021, where my students presented two papers.

December 21-22, 2021



Organized and conducted one day CPD activity titled “Metamaterial, Metasurfaces and their Applications” at Electronics Engg Dept, UET Taxila.

December 16th, 2021

ENCD, UET Taxila


Attended CPD activity titled “Design and Optimization of 3D IC’s” organized by Electronics Engg Dept, UET Taxila.

May 8th, 2021

ENCD, UET Taxila


Attended CPD activity titled “Writing Research Paper/Thesis in LaTeX” organized by Electronics Engg Dept, UET Taxila.

March 13th, 2020

ENCD, UET Taxila


Attended seminar titled “Professional Ethics, Communication Skills & Micro Teaching” organized by Staff Development Centre, University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila

March 2018

UET Taxila


Attended a seminar “Bloom’s Taxonomy in Design & Assessment of Course Learning Outcomes”, organized by Institute of Space Technology (IST),

December 20, 2017.

IST, Islamabad


Attended two-day workshop “Outcome based education and Implementation”. Organized by University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila.

1st and 2nd February 2017

UET Taxila


Attended a research workshop “Research and Inferential Statistics – Capacity Building in Inferential Statistics and Analysis”, organized by Research Centre for Training and Development (RCTD) at UET Taxila.

26-27 January, 2017.

UET Taxila