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Name Dr. Furqan Shaukat
Designation Associate Professor
Department Electrical Engineering (Taxila)
Highest Qualification PhD
Specialization Image Processing and Analysis
Phone No 051-9047561
Cell No 0333-5903313
Fax No 051-9047420
Email [email protected]
  • Ph.D. Electrical Engineering, UET Taxila, 2018
    Specialization - Image Processing and Analysis


  • M.S. Electrical Engineering, UET Taxila, 2011 
    Specialization -  Image Processing and Analysis


  • B.Sc. Electrical Engineering, UET Lahore, 2007
    Specialization - Electronics and Communication


         Research Funding

  1. Recipient of HEC Competitive Research Grant of Rs. 8.9 Million under the scheme NRPU (National Research Program for Universities) for year 2021 titled, “EMeRALDS: Electronic Medical Records driven Automated Lung nodule Detection and cancer risk Stratification”.

  2. Recipient of Faculty Research Grant of Rs. 17,42,500/- Recommended by the Research Grant Regulating Committee on 5.3.2015 For The Financial Year 2015-16 in UET Taxila.

  3. Ignite National Technology Fund, Ministry of Information and Telecom, Government of Pakistan via Letter No. Ignite/NGIRI/2017-18/03, Dated: 25th June 2018.

  4. Recipient of Six Months Scholarship under the scheme, “International Research Support Initiative Program” (No. I-8/HEC/HRD/2015/5464).

  5. Ignite National Technology Fund, Ministry of Information and Telecom, Government of Pakistan via Letter No. Ignite/NGIRI/2012-13, 2013.



  • Image Processing and Analysis 

  • Computer Vision

  • Image Recognition

  • Biomedical Imaging

  • Artificial Intelligence

Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications:

  1. F. Shaukat, Gulistan Raja, A. Gooya and A. F. Frangi, "Fully Automatic Detection of Lung Nodules in CT images using a Hybrid Feature Set", Medical Physics Journal, Vol. 44, Issue 7, July 2017, pp. 3615-3629. (Impact Factor: 4.071)
  2. F. Shaukat, Gulistan Raja, Rehan Ashraf, Shehzad Khalid, Mudassir Ahmed and Amjad Ali, “Artificial Neural Network based Classification of Lung Nodules in CT Images Using Intensity, Shape and Texture Features”, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 2019, pp. 1-15. (Impact Factor: 7.104)
  3. F. Shaukat, Gulistan Raja, A. Frangi, Computer-Aided Detection of Lung Nodules: A Review, SPIE Journal of Medical Imaging, Vol. 6, No. 2, (2019), pp.1-12.
  4. F. Shaukat, K. Javed, Gulistan Raja , J. Mir, and M. L. R. Shahid, Automatic Lung Nodule Detection in CT Images using Convolutional Neural Networks, IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals on Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol. 102, No. 10, (2019). (Impact Factor: 0.338)
  5. K. Javed, G. Hussain, F. Shaukat, S. O. Hwang, A neural network approach to remove rain using reconstruction and feature losses, Neural Computing and Applications, Oct. 2019, pp. 1-15, (Impact Factor: 5.606 )
  6. H. Nawaz, A. Basit, F. Shaukat, "Dual Polarized, Slot Coupled Monostatic Antenna with High Isolation for 2.4GHz Full Duplex Applications" Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Oct. 2019. (Impact Factor: 1.392 )
  7. Nawaz, Haq; Niazi, Ahmad Umar; Basit, Muhammad Abdul ; Shaukat, Furqan; Usman, Muhammad, "Dual-polarized, Monostatic Antenna Array with Improved Tx-Rx Isolation for 2.4GHz in-band full duplex Applications",International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, Nov. 2019. (Impact Factor: 1.064 )
  8. Shahid, Muhammad Laiq Ur Rahman, Vladimir Molchanov, Junaid Mir, Furqan Shaukat, and Lars Linsen. "Interactive visual analytics tool for multidimensional quantitative and categorical data analysis." Information Visualization 19, no. 3 (2020): 234-246. (Impact Factor: 0.956 )
  9. Kashif, Muhammad, Gulistan Raja, and Furqan Shaukat. "An Efficient Content-Based Image Retrieval System for the Diagnosis of Lung Diseases." Journal of digital imaging 33, no. 4 (2020). (Impact Factor: 4.056)
  10. Shahid, Muhammad Laiq Ur Rahman, Junaid Mir, Furqan Shaukat, Muhammad Khurram Saleem, Muhammad Atiq Ur Rehman Tariq, and Ahmed Nouman. "Classification of Pharynx from MRI using a Visual Analysis Tool to Study Obstructive Sleep Apnea." Current Medical Imaging (2020). (Impact Factor: 0.858)
  11. Ayaz, Muhammad, Furqan Shaukat, and Gulistan Raja. "Ensemble learning based automatic detection of tuberculosis in chest X-ray images using hybrid feature descriptors." Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine 44, no. 1 (2021): 183-194. (Impact Factor: NA)
  12. Haider, Ali, Furqan Shaukat, and Junaid Mir. "Human detection in aerial thermal imaging using a fully convolutional regression network." Infrared Physics & Technology 116 (2021): 103796. (Impact Factor: 2.638)
  13. Aamir, Naima, Junaid Mir, Imran Fareed Nizami, Furqan Shaukat, and Muhammad Majid. "HDR-BVQM: High dynamic range blind video quality model." Multimedia Tools and Applications (2021): 1-15. (Impact Factor: 2.757 )
  14. I. Amjad, F. Shaukat, Gulistan Raja and A.K. Khan, "An Algorithm to Segment the Mid-Brain Structures Using Multiresolution Non-Rigid Registration ", Pakistan Journal of Science, Vol. 69, Issue 2, June 2017, pp. 221-227.
  15. A. Murtaza, F. Shaukat, Gulistan Raja and A.K. Khan, "An Efficient Algorithmic Solution for High Payload Good Imperceptibility Hybrid Image Steganography", Pakistan Journal of Science, Vol. 69, Issue 2, June 2017, pp. 228-234.
  16. N. Ashraf, F. Shaukat, Gulistan Raja and A. K. Khan, "Full-Duplex Millimeter-wave Radio over Fiber with 24 Gbps 4-QAM Downstream Signal in W-Band (75-110GHz)", B. U. Journal of Information and Communication Technologies, Vol. 10, Issue 1, June 2017, pp. 21-28.
  17. F. Shoukat and Gulistan Raja, "An Efficient Algorithmic Solution for Automatic Segmentation of Lungs from CT Images", Pakistan Journal of Science, Vol. 70, No. 1, Mar. 2018, pp. 71-78.
  18. N. U. Ain, F. Shaukat, A.S. Nagra and Gulistan Raja, "An Efficient Algorithm for Fingerprint Recognition using Minutiae Extraction", Pakistan Journal of Science, Vol. 70, No.2, Jun. 2018, pp. 169-176.
  19. R. Chughtai , Gulistan Raja, J. Mir and F. Shaukat, An Efficient Scheme for Automatic Pill Recognition Using Neural Networks, The Nucleus Journal, Vol. 56, No. 1, (2019), pp. 42-48.
  20. Kabir MS, Mir J, Rascon C, Shahid ML, Shaukat F. Machine learning inspired efficient acoustic gunshot detection and localization system. University of Wah Journal of Computer Science. 2021;3(1).

The Impact Factor Scores are based on JCR 2021.​​​​​​


  • BioMed 5.0 “Capacity Building in Biomedical Engineering Education for Digital Transformation and Industry 4.0/5.0 Technologies”, to Consortium of 10 Universities including profile holder as collaborator from UET Taxila by Erasmus+ EU, 2023.
  • EMeRALDS: Electronic Medical Records driven Automated Lung nodule Detection and cancer risk Stratification (In-Progress).


  • Research grant of 1.74 Million PKR for project “An Efficient Scheme for Lung Nodule Detection”, 2015.     
  • An Efficient Scheme for Lung Nodule Detection (PhD Thesis)   
  • Implementation of Optimized Algorithm for Medical Image Recognition (M.Sc Thesis)   


  • Study of Different Wireless Communication Systems and CDMA Based WLL Implementation (PTCL Gujranwala) including Site Survey, Commissioning, Installing, Drive Test, PAT, Optimization of BTS Site (BSc Thesis)   
  • Feasibility Report & Presentation on the establishment of Networking System in Campus






  • Warden  Boys Hostel (2019-2021)     
  • Director Computer Lab  (2008-2022)   
  • Convener Shops and Canteen Committee (2019-2021) 
  • Resident Tutor Boys Hostel (2017-2019)


  • Advisor Cultural & Dramatic Society (2007-2012)    
  • Advisor Alumni Association (2013-2015)


Associate Professor, Electrical Engg. Department, UET Taxila 
Feb 2021 - Present

Assistant Professor, Electronics Engg. Department, UET Taxila Sub Campus Chakwal
May 2012 - Feb 2021

Lecturer, Electronics Engg. Department, UET Taxila Sub Campus Chakwal
September 2007 - April 2012

Resarch Associate, Centre for Computational Imaging & Simulation Technologies in Biomedicine (CISTIB), Univeristy of Sheffield UK.
November 2015 - May 2016

Reviewer of different Technical Journals mainly:

International Journal of Computer Vision (ISSN: 0920-5691).

Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence (ISSN: 0952-813X). 

Journal of Medical Imaging (ISSN: 2329-4302).

Computer Vision and Image Understanding. (ISSN: 1077-3142 )

Computers in Biology and Medicine (ISSN: 1879-0534)

Expert systems with applications(ISSN: 0957-4174)

PLOS ONE (ISSN: 1932-6203)

IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Member

PEC (Pakistan Engineering Council) Member

IEICE (The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers Japan) Member

  1. Digital Image Processing


  2.  Object Oriented Programming


  3.  Computer Fundamentals


  4. Computer Communication Networks
  5.  Technical Report Writing And Presentation Skills


  6. Analog and Digital Communication


  7.  Integrated Circuits    


  8.  Wireless Communication


  9.  Data Structure and Algorithms        


  10. Artificial Intelligence


  11. Programming Fundamentals


Associate Professor, Electrical Engg. Department, UET Taxila 
Feb 2021 - Present

Assistant Professor, Electronics Engg. Department, UET Taxila Sub Campus Chakwal
May 2012 - Feb 2021

Lecturer, Electronics Engg. Department, UET Taxila Sub Campus Chakwal
September 2007 - April 2012

Resarch Associate, Centre for Computational Imaging & Simulation Technologies in Biomedicine (CISTIB), Univeristy of Sheffield UK.
November 2015 - May 2016

Convener Semester Committee (2018-2021)

Convener Subject Committee (2019-2021)

Director Postgraduate Studies (2019-2021)

University of Engineering and Technology Taxila, Pakistan


Recipient of prestigious Fulbright Scholarship 2022-2023 for post-doc at Center for Research in Computer Vision, University of Central Florida, USA (

Recipient of Six Months Scholarship under the HEC Pakistan scheme, IRSIP (International Research Support Initiative Program) 2015-16 for Visting Research Associate at CISTIB (Computational Imaging & Simulation Technologies in Biomedicine), University of Sheffield, UK, (

1. Kamran Javed, Ghulam Hussain, Furqan Shaukat and Seong Oun Hwang , "Removing Rain using Generative Neural Network", Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Green and Human Information Technology (ICGHIT) Malaysia Jan 2019.

2. Furqan Shaukat, Gulistan Raja, "Implementation of Rule-Based Medical Image Recognition for Lung CT Images", Proceedings of International Bhurban Conference on Applied Sciences & Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan, January 09 – 12, 2012

3. Shaukat, Furqan, Syed Muhammad Anwar, Abhijeet Parida, Van Khanh Lam, Marius George Linguraru, and Mubarak Shah. "Lung-cadex: Fully automatic zero-shot detection and classification of lung nodules in thoracic ct images." In International Workshop on Machine Learning in Medical Imaging, pp. 73-82. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.

4. Khan, Muhammad Basit, Furqan Shaukat, Muhammad Abdullah, Junaid Mir, and Gulistan Raja. "Fully Automatic Lung Segmentation in Thoracic CT Images using K-means Thresholding." In 4th International Conference on Key Enabling Technologies (KEYTECH 2024), pp. 62-68. Atlantis Press, 2024.

 B.Sc. Thesis Supervised

  1. Real Time Vision System for Driver Assistance (2022)


  2. CNN Based Pulmonary Nodule Detection in CT Images (2022)


  3. Unmanned Ariel Vehicle Based Traffic Management & Surveillance System (2021)


  4. Continuous Gesture Recognition for Flexible Human-Robot Interaction (2020) 


  5. Computer Vision based Fire Detection and Extinguisher System (2019) 


  6. An Efficient Density Based Traffic Control System (2019)


  7. Brain Controlled Wheel Chair Using Brain Computer Interface (BCI) System (2018)


  8. Autonomous Object Tracking and Targeting Gun (2018)


  9. Hand Gesture Based Movement Control Smart Wheel Chair (2017)


  10.  Modified Implementation of ACFR Based Security System Using Minutiae Extraction Techniques (2009)

Online Training, “Machine Learning with Python” conducted by Intelligent Criminology Research Lab (ICRL), UET Lahore

in collaboration with NCAI, October 2021.

Continuing Professional Development Activity on Re-inforcing Concepts on Outcome Based Education, UET Taxila, January 2020

National Workshop on Curriculum Design by PEC, Islamabad 2019.

Continuing Professional Development Course by Cornwall Education and Training UK 2016.

Presentation Skills Course by Cornwall Education and Training UK 2016.

Inclusion and Diversity Course by Cornwall Education and Training UK 2016.

Adult Learning Course by Cornwall Education and Training UK 2016.

One Week Training Program , Professional Skill Enhancement Program UET Taxila 2007.

PhD Students

1. Muhammad Abdullah (22-PhD-EE-107), "EMeRALDS: Electronic Medical Records driven Automated Lung nodule Detection and cancer risk Stratification".

Signal and Image Processing (SIP) Research Group

The SIP research group is focused on the applications of multidimensional signal processing to solve medical challenges and problems related to the content distribution. The group is dedicated towards the development of innovative imaging techniques and computational algorithms for efficient content distribution and advanced processing of physiological signals for better understanding, diagnosis, and treatment of human diseases.

Through coordination with multiple faculties, university departments and institutes, the SIP research group strives to become the leading and well-renowned research group in the area of signal and image processing. The research group strongly welcomes the involvement of young graduate students in the research activities of the group and has full potential to provide the essential training programs to enable them to learn state-of-the-art techniques and methods. We believe that their involvement will enable them to become outstanding independent researchers.
